HSE Report

Incident Report
Accident, Ill Health, Incident or Near Miss log

Persons Affected or Injured

Examples: Fatal or Major: Road traffic accident / incident involving others Serious: Injury causing a hospital visit (not like threatening) Minor: (First Aid required but not serious) Asset Damage: Any damage to a company asset
Details of what happened, when, where, and emergency action taken
This could include things like, contacted 1st Aider, notified other team members, advising other staff on the status of the work area you left etc
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
If you have any further images of the incident, please share them directly with your Line Manager or Members of the compliance team

First Aid Support

Name of First Aider, or persons completing the form
Minor First Aid Case would be where local first aid was adequate such as a plaster on a cut MTC would be where a visit to a medical professional was required such as A&E